Thursday, April 21, 2011

ROTW and ArThursday Poll & Caravaggio

I have been doing the Recipe of the Week and ArThursday for about 6 weeks. I wanted to see if everyone is still interested in them existing.

So if you feel one way or the other leave a comment with your opinion. Write which one you like (it can be both), you can even write why if you would like. Just let me know. - Thanks Anne


This week I decided to go with someone old school. In fact so old school he is considered one of the "Old Masters". I learned about Caravaggio in High School when we studied the Baroque period in Mr. Justice's class. I was always really interested by Caravaggio and his intriguing use of shadows. So here is some classic painting for the traditionalists.

Judith Beheading Holofernes 1598–1599. Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome.

The Calling of Saint Matthew 1599–1600. Contarelli ChapelSan Luigi dei FrancesiRome.

Martyrdom of Saint Matthew 1599–1600.  San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome.

The Crucifixion of Saint Peter 1601. Cerasi ChapelSanta Maria del PopoloRome.

The Taking of Christ, 1602. National Gallery of IrelandDublin.

Conversion of Saint Paul, 1601. Cerasi ChapelSanta Maria del PopoloRome.

David with the Head of Goliath, 1609–1610. Galleria BorgheseRome.

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