Friday, April 8, 2011

Diary of A Slogger, issue 5

...Or why you should change it up.

I usually do my slogs on a city trail. One that is paved with just a small section of crushed limestone. But I decided to run in Frick Park last week. For those not from Pittsburgh, Frick Park is a city forest-y park that has dirt and crushed limestone/rock trails. I chose to do this the day after Pittsburgh precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, mist all in one), good idea right? Most of the trails looked like this, but add an incline:

For those of you who don't know, I fall a lot. Correction, slip a lot. I have good balance, but if there is ice or slippery conditions, there is a good chance I will slip. But I wanted to take the challenge. I had decided to go to Frick because it isn't flat and it makes me feel like I am in a forest. Slogging in Frick, under these conditions, was like my own version of Mt. Marathon Race, which a fellow blogger just entered the lottery for. Okay, maybe not that intense, but certainly took more effort and thought than running the flat, paved trail my body is becoming use to.

It was also great interval training. The inclines would go until I almost couldn't take it and then they would top off. And when I was just getting too relaxed that I didn't feel like I was exercising anymore, another hill would start.

I am not sure how far I went, even when you think you know what trail you're on in Frick, you really have no idea. But I had fun and I worked. Muddy work.

How do you try to break your routine?

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