Thursday, March 3, 2011

Diary of a Slogger

Let me first explain the term "slogger". So there is walking, jogging and running. But then within these categories there are various speeds or intensities, right? Clearly going for a leisurely stroll isn't as intense as a brisk walk. Therefore with jogging, there is slogging, mogging, and fogging; slow, medium and fast.

When we got to China, I decided to start running. I thought it would be a great way to have a goal to achieve, plus I have many runner friends who I figured would be nice to run with once I got home. I went online to get a schedule for how to train for an 8k and went to work. I have been enjoying it quite a bit. It is nice to see your progress and to have a tangible goal. I am not yet a "runner" per se, but I am okay with being a slogger for now.

While in China, our hotel had a fitness center. I used the treadmill there, which was nice since you shouldn't run outside in most cities in China because of the pollution. Now that we are home, and since I don't have a gym membership, I went for a jog outside. As I was jogging, my mind was thinking of the comparisons between using a treadmill and using nature. These opinions are listed below.

Treadmills vs. Outdoor Running

The "Outside" opinions pertain to one experience using the Eliza Furnace Trail, or the "Jail Trail". The "Treadmill" opinions are of a treadmill inside a gym, not necessarily one in the comfort of your own home.

Speed Regulation Winner: Treadmill
Treadmill - You can set your speed and know exactly how fast you are going.

Outside - Much more difficult to judge, though this is dependent on the next factor.

Distance Winner: Treadmill
Treadmill - You are able to set exactly how fast or slow you would like to go.

Outside - I went online to look up how long the trail was, all the sources stated 2.5 miles. However once I got on the trail there were conflicting signs, and I wasn't exactly sure where the trail started and ended. Also, there is currently construction on the trail, and I wasn't sure how the detour factored into the distance.

Incline Winner: Both
Treadmill - You can set how steep you want to go (note: when using a treadmill you should always set the incline at least on 1% as anything less is akin to running slightly downhill)

Outside - Though you can't set exactly what the incline is, there are "surprise" downhill sections. Also, I was running on a rails-to-trails trail, so there weren't any steep areas. This would not be true for the entire rest of Pittsburgh.

Temperature Winner: Both
Treadmill - Usually in gyms the temperature is constantly set on a nice temperature that makes it pleasant to exercise in. (note: the gym in Shanghai was extremely warm, because the heater was always on, or really cold, when the windows were open to combat the heater)

Outside - While in the summer or winter it can make exercising outside sometimes unpleasant, the fall and spring offer nice breezes and good sun intensity.

Pollution Winner: In this case neither, but it should be both
Treadmill - Non-existent, except when the windows have to be open and you are in China.

Outside - I usually use this trail quite often for biking. I never thought of it until yesterday, but since the trail runs right between the parkway and 2nd Avenue, two major and busy roads, the air quality is far from pure.

Fellow Health Enthusiasts Winner: Treadmill
Treadmill - Though you can tell when others are going faster or slower than you, they still never physically pass you. Also, while I do go at a slower pace, I usually end up going for a longer period of time than my other zealous runners.

Outside - You get passed by other runners, this doesn't feel good. Unlike with the treadmill, I don't know how long they have been running at this speed and therefore assume that it has been for days and I suck at life. (More to come on this in my next post)

Scenery Winner: Outside
Treadmill - Running on a treadmill gets really boring. I mean really boring. Even with a television or music.

Outside - There is so much to look at! I was amazed by how much more pleasurable it was to actually feel like I was going somewhere and seeing something. Also, you're outside!

By votes, treadmill wins. However, most of those were dependent on the specific experience I had on the Jail Trail and not an overall running outside experience. I also want to give outside extra points for scenery, because, in case you couldn't tell, it was really great. I guess that makes it more of a tie. Though, since I am not getting a gym membership and it is only going to get nicer out, all of my future slogging will be outside. That is at least until we leave the country again and even then it will depend on the city.

Yay Nature!

For those joggers/runners out there, which do you prefer? Are there other factors I haven't considered?


  1. I definitely vote for outside. This ties into scenery--but you can't really play running games on the treadmill.

    However, being Garmin-less, I really appreciate the treadmills time and pace tracking ability. If you want the same outside, investing in a wrist garmin or other runner smart-watch may be the way to go. It'd be cheaper than a gym membership in the long run anyways. :)

  2. Running in the rain when it's warm is hard to beat. You don't go as fast, but its a wonderful feeling.

  3. This is something I have not yet experienced, but I am sure will happen since we live in PGH.

  4. I'm not a runner...

    BUT I would always want to run outside if I were! I hate gyms. It's like biking. It's less of a scientific and more of an aesthetic reason. The FEELING of getting somewhere, trekking the miles, means a lot more to me than running with no forward progress. To me, it would be easier to reach a goal if it actually gets me to a certain place...the sense of accomplishment is more visceral.

    Plus, it's an adventure. You never know what you're gonna get out there.

  5. [...] I stated yesterday, running outside means that inevitably you get passed by other people. While on the Jail Trail, [...]
