Friday, February 25, 2011

Capture vs. Experience

...or the great photo debate.

I wanted to throw this post out there so you might understand why there aren't always a ton of pictures in this blog.

A person is on the beach, when the sun starts to set. This creates a beautiful and breathtaking sunset. They get up and start to run back to their room to grab their camera. Then they stop and think, should I get my camera and hopefully get back in time to not miss the shot? Or should I save it and just experience what life has given me in this moment?

I love photography. I have studied it and it use to be one of my favorite things to do. I truly believe that photos can change lives and spread a message in an entirely different way than words. I think that photos can be so visually appealing that you literally can't take your eyes off them. Don't mistake what I am saying as a bash against photography and all the lovely photographers out there. My perspective changed when I realized I was living my life more through the lens of a camera and less through my own eyes and body. I decided that I wanted to first experience my life and then capture it. And if I wasn't able to capture it, that didn't mean it was any less valuable.

With that said, I am trying to get back in the habit of taking more pictures and re-discovering my love for photography. So, hopefully you will be able to see some of that.

In other news, Ben and I are coming home on Monday! I am really excited. Shanghai has been nice, but overall it wasn't our cup of tea as the saying goes. I am sure I will probably change my mind once we hit snow-laden Pittsburgh. But I will take snowy, friend-filled Pittsburgh, over spring-weathered Shanghai!


  1. Hey Anne! What an awesome experience you guys have had in China! I've really enjoyed reading your updates. Hope you guys have a good trip home! :)

  2. I think it can be hard to convey the same feelings from a moment in a photograph. But trying to overcome that challenge is one of the things I enjoy about photography. Sometimes though I encounter things that I know are just beyond my (and my camera's) abilities.

  3. [...] In keeping with trying to take more photographs, I thought I would share some from our recent trips around Shanghai. [...]
