Friday, June 24, 2011

Flashback Friday with Heya Sparky!

My friend Lauren does an amazing blog called Heya Sparky. It's really great and you should all check it out. As part of her blog, she does a weekly post called "Flashback Fridays". Here she shares an old photo of herself and a story to go along with it. She has asked a few others to join in on the fun and "link up". Lauren, hopefully I am doing this right.

From Top Left, Clockwise: My Mom, My Brother, My Sister, My Niece and Me

I am the little on the left. This photo was taken the last time I lived in Pittsburgh, well Aliquippa, in the early 90s. My father grew up there and my parents decided for some crazy reason to leave sunny California to come back...who knows? My brother and sister, amidst their crazy lives ended up visiting at the same time once. So this is one of the photos of a visit I will never forget. It would be almost 10 years before my mom had all of her children in one place again, and she has never had all of her grandchildren in one place. My niece and I played and played and we were all a family together. Thanks for the marvelous life family, I wouldn't want any other crazy!

Thanks, Lauren this was fun!


  1. Just love those retro 90's pics. Your brother's hair is killer :) Great flashback!

  2. Aw I'm so happy you played along! You did just fine. haha And I have to agree with Alyssa, your brother's hair is WICKED. I love it!

  3. This is too adorable! I love everyone's style:) lol! Happy to meet you from Laurens Flashback Friday!
