Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Arts Camp - Wk 2

One of the common, yet unfortunate, things I've heard over the past two weeks has been comments like, "Why are we doing this?", "I feel like I'm in school", "This is lame, I can't think of anything." Those are all comments that are discouraging, especially when you are trying to get a group of youth excited about a project. I knew when we started camp with the idea of doing a film project, if I couldn't get everyone excited about it, it wasn't going to fly. So I had been getting a little nervous about this side of the Arts Camp.

However, Thursday and Friday renewed my hope that all of our efforts might be worth it. Multiple campers have come up to me and asked "When are we starting the film?", "What are we doing for the film?", or "Can I be the sound effects maker? Eeeeack!" This has brought me to a new level of excitement about the film. This week we are on a break before the last three weeks of camp. I am going to be spending this week putting together the different ideas that the campers brainstormed. Hopefully it will become a somewhat cohesive, fun and interesting story. There are definitely a lot of great ideas and as soon as I figure out the story I will be sure to pass it along.

On a slightly different note: I wanted to also give an update on the Couch to 5k and P90X. I haven't been really following the Couch to 5k, mostly because even though I get up rather early, it has still been too hot to even close to want to run outside. The P90X on the other hand has been rocking. It has taken my workouts to another level and I certainly feel stronger and more fit. The good and bad is that it is an hour program. Which makes me feel like I am really working, but also takes an entire hour. Overall, it has been totally worth it.

As far as prayer goes, that I have time and not a writer's block to create a script for the film, at least something we can work from. That all the campers don't forget about camp and come back next week. And, of course, most importantly that we can find true connections with all of them and love them as we are called to and as we all desire to.

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