Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Updates, Updates?

So, I totally suck. I will take it...I did what most do and posted a bunch and then it just stopped. But I am back with some news, so YAY!

Currently, all things are going well. I have been rather steadily losing weight. I have now lost a bit over 25 pounds, which is great. I definitely feel more energetic. I have gotten to a point now that if I haven't exercised, I don't feel like I have really had a complete day. Which much be better than feeling like I have to exercise and how am I going to do it??

Below are two new things that I have been thinking about lately. Enjoy!
Couch to 5K

Quite a few people I know have done this plan and really like it. I was talking to my friend Jen and she was explaining how it's hard for her to function in the fitness world without a goal. She was saying how weight can fluctuate, but when you run a marathon, you have run a marathon. This is a lot how I have been feeling lately, like I want a goal. So I decided to try out Couch to 5k . I think it will be fun. I really wanted to train for a triathlon, but I don't want to pay for a pool membership, and Ben won't let me swim in the river :(. I plan on doing the running on the recommended 3 days/week and other strength training things the rest of the week. I think it will work out fine and be a nice challenge.

I am not sure which of you have and have not heard of this series. I recently heard of it from a friend and then wanted to check it out.  Here is their website, which is a little informercially. It is a 12 DVD set, which targets different parts of your body or different movements, what they call "muscle confusion".  From their website:

"P90X® is a revolutionary system of 12 sweat-inducing, muscle-pumping workouts, designed to transform your body from regular to ripped in just 90 days."

It is kind of like Couch to 5K, but with DVDs. So I was really interested in this, because it sounded like The Shred on steroids. And who doesn't want to be ripped. Apparently a co-worker of Ben's has some questionable copies of the series that we are going to test out to see if we like it. Our biggest reservation is the emphasis on the "3-Phase Nutrition Plan" and it's assumed reliance on fleshy protein. But we should be able to adjust.

I will try to update everyone on how these two go and, as always, if you are interested in joining me for either of them, feel free.

1 comment:

  1. I had signed up for email alerts when you post, but haven't been getting them. But I got to catch today!

    I would encourage you to "Couch to 5k" it seems like a really great program. One warning, that Lauren encountered, it gives distances and time goals...they do not go hand and hand unless you run 10 minute miles (6 miles an hour). That's faster than I run.

    I would love to jog with you when I get back. And if you want someone to swim with too, i'd be totally up for that too! If I do end up doing the Tempe triathlon, then it'd be 3 years in the making for me to accomplish one. :)
